From 07/21/15 to 07/08/15
The 6th Festival "Forts en fête" continues its journey through history, with the Fort Theatre Heads and subject to the 19th Century and its great diversity. The Revolution is over, but the ideas ignite and the country seems caught frenzy: The Empire, the Restoration, the July Monarchy, the 2nd Republic, the Second Empire, the 3rd Republic! Industrialization gains the country and also settles in the Hautes-Alpes (schappe plant was inaugurated June 21, 1863!) Literary currents, also are numerous; and visit the works of Victor Hugo, Musset, Alexandre Dumas. Whole company (60 comedians, musicians, singers, acrobats, riders) and volunteers will be faithful to the appointment for nine performances and will resonate and vibrate the stones of the fortress and, perhaps, the heart of the audience !