General Terms and conditions of Sale



Financial guarantor: BPA Briançon, intra-community VAT: FR3840279613000019

Professional insurance: BEST ASSUR HOTEL, contract N ° 2D0182500327

Cancellation insurance, Open Odyssée assistance and interruption of stay,

At Europ Assistance, 1 promenade of Bonnette, 92633 Gennevilliers cedex, - contract number 58 223 429

You have already made your registration or you plan to do so. Read this document which informs you about the registration conditions of the Échaillon hotel.


your registration will be effective only when we receive it by mail with a deposit equal to 1/3 of the total price of the stay.

It must be paid 30 days before arrival for all stays with activities and for hotel stays with cancellation insurance.

 From U.S :

L'Echaillon reserves the right to cancel an all-inclusive stay in case of insufficient participants (minimum 6, except in special cases specified) or a hotel stay due to special conditions that could jeopardize the smooth running of the stay. In case of insufficient participants, they will be notified within a minimum of 21 days. You will be offered several alternatives. If no solution suits you, you will be refunded in full.


From you :

In case of withdrawal (unless you find a replacement), whatever the reason for the cancellation, it is necessary to prevent the SCHEDULE as quickly as possible. A written statement is required with a medical certificate or supporting document attached.

The fees that will be retained by the SCHOOL will be calculated according to the date of cancellation noted, namely:

- At more than 30 days, 10% of the amount of the stay, with a minimum of 30 € per file

- Between 30 and 21 days, 25% of the amount of the stay

- Between 20 and 8 days, 50% of the amount of the stay

- Between 7 and 2 days, 75% of the amount of the stay

- Less than 2 days before departure, the total amount of the stay


Any participant not respecting the places, dates or times of appointment, can not claim any refund, as well as an exclusion decided by your escort, for insufficient level or non-compliance with safety instructions.


It is not mandatory but highly recommended and costs 3.90% in addition to the total price of your stay.
Faced with the multitude of claims, insurers do not want to separate the different insurance and require us to offer a bundled contract including assistance - insurance cancellation - interruption of stay.

Warning ! To study the different contracts your bank offers you with your credit card. It is especially important to know if your insurance covers search and rescue expenses.

The following is a summary of the OPEN ODYSSEED CONTRACT # 58,626,373.

If you subscribe, you will receive with your invoice the details of this contract.



The present General Provisions of the insurance and assistance contract concluded between EUROP ASSISTANCE, a Company governed by the Insurance Code, and the Subscriber, are intended to specify the mutual rights and obligations of EUROP ASSISTANCE and the Insureds defined below. below. This contract is governed by the Insurance Code.


    A. definitions common to insurance and assistance

For the purposes of this contract, the following terms mean:

Accident (of the person)

A sudden and fortuitous event reaching the Insured, unintentional on the part of the latter, resulting from the sudden action of an external cause.


Are considered as Insured:

    - natural persons traveling through the Subscriber who has subscribed to this contract on their behalf,
    - natural persons who have jointly subscribed a travel contract with the Subscriber and the option "insurance / assistance",
    - the Subscriber's employees.

These people will have to be based in Western Europe, DROM, New Caledonia or French Polynesia.

In this contract the Insured are also referred to as "you".

Insurer / Assisteur

EUROP ASSISTANCE, Company governed by the Insurance Code, Société Anonyme with a capital of 35 402 785 €, 451 366 405 RCS Nanterre, whose registered office is 1, promenade de la Bonnette, 92230 Gennevilliers.

In this contract EUROP ASSISTANCE is referred to as "we".




Insurance coverages and assistance benefits apply to travel:

    leisure or professional, package, rental, cruise, ticket (including dry flight) booked with the travel organizer Subscriber of the contract, whose dates, destination and cost appear on the invoice issued by the organizer of the trip Subscriber of the contract,
    and whose duration does not exceed 90 consecutive days.
 Un événement soudain et fortuit atteignant l’Assuré, non intentionnel de la part de ce dernier, provenant de l’action soudaine d’une cause extérieure.Assuré Sont considérés comme Assurés :
  • les personnes physiques voyageant par l'intermédiaire du Souscripteur ayant souscrit le présent contrat pour leur compte,
  • les personnes physiques ayant souscrit conjointement un contrat de voyage auprès du Souscripteur et l’option « assurance/assistance»,
  • les salariés du Souscripteur.
These persons must be domiciled in Western Europe, in the DROM, in New Caledonia or in French Polynesia. In the present contract the Insureds are also designated by the term "you". Insurer / AssistorEUROP ASSISTANCE, Company governed by the Code des Assurances, Société Anonyme with a capital of 35 402 785 €, 451 366 405 RCS Nanterre, whose registered office is located at 1, promenade de la Bonnette, 92230 Gennevilliers. In this contract, EUROP ASSISTANCE is referred to as "us ".

 Insurance coverages and assistance benefits apply to travel:
  • leisure or professional, package, rental, cruise, ticket (including dry flight) booked with the travel organizer Subscriber of the contract, whose dates, destination and cost appear on the invoice issued by the organizer of the trip Subscriber of the contract,
  • and whose duration does not exceed 90 consecutive days.
Insurance guarantees and assistance benefits apply worldwide, outside your home. EXCLUSIONS: Generally speaking, countries in a state of civil or foreign war, of notorious political instability, or undergoing popular movements, riots, acts of terrorism, reprisals, restriction to the free movement of persons and goods (whatever the reason, in particular sanitary, security, meteorological, etc.) or disintegration of the atomic nucleus or any irradiation from a source of energy having a character of radioactivity.

You will find in the leaflet the conditions of application of the guarantees and the services as well as the coordinates to declare a disaster and to involve europ assistance.

When a transport is organized and supported in accordance with the clauses of the contract, you agree either to reserve us the right to use the title (s) of transport which you hold, or to refund us the amounts of which you would obtain the refund from the issuing body of your transport ticket (s). CANCELLATION OF TRAVEL. 
We will refund the deposits or any amount retained by the tour operator, and according to the conditions of sale of the trip (excluding the booking fees, the insurance premium and after deduction of the airport taxes which you are reimbursed by the carrier), when you are obliged to cancel your trip before departure.
  1. IN WHAT CASES DO WE INTERVENE?We intervene for the reasons and circumstances listed below, to the exclusion of all others: SERIOUS ILLNESS, SERIOUS ACCIDENTS OR DEATHS (Including worsening of previous illnesses and sequelae of an earlier accident):
  • you, your spouse or common-law partner or the person accompanying you provided that it appears on the same invoice of this insurance contract,
  • your ascendants or descendants and / or those of your spouse or those of the person accompanying you provided that it appears on the same invoice of this insurance contract,
  • your brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law,
  • of your professional substitute provided that his name is mentioned when registering for the trip,
  • of the person in charge, during your trip:
- the custody of your minor children provided that his name is mentioned in the contract, - the care of a disabled person provided that he lives under the same roof as you and that you are the legal guardian and that his name be mentioned as soon as the contract is signed.CONTRE-INDICATION OF VACCINATIONECONOMIC DISCRIMINATION
  • of yourself,
  • your spouse,
the decision or the convening of the preliminary interview not being known at the time of the reservation of your trip or the subscription of the present contract. CONVOCATION IN front of a TRIBUNAL ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING CASES:
  • when you are summoned as juror of Assises,
  • in the context of a child adoption procedure,
  • in the case of an expert designation requiring your presence.
The date of the convocation must coincide with the period of your trip. CONVICTION TO A RETRIEVAL EXAMINATION. To a failure not known at the time of the reservation of the trip (higher education only), the said examination having to take place during the duration of your trip. DESTRUCTION OF PROFESSIONAL AND / OR PRIVATE PREMISES. Complete after the date of subscription of this contract, as a result of fire, explosion or water damage, provided that these premises are destroyed more than 50%. VOL IN PROFESSIONAL PREMISES OR PRIVATE. The importance of this flight must necessitate your presence and occur within 48 hours of your departure. OCCURRING A JOB OR A PROBATION IF THE INSURED PERSON IS ENTERING UNEMPLOYMENT (POLE EMPLOI). Beginner before or during your trip. FAMILY MUTATION, AMENDMENT OR REFUSAL OF DATES OF LEAVE WITH PAY BY EMPLOYER. Leave must have been granted by the employer prior to registration on the trip. Excluded from this guarantee are the following socio-professional categories: company managers, liberal professions, craftsmen and entertainment workers. A deductible, indicated in the Table of Amount of Guarantees, remains at your expense. REFUSES OF TOURIST VISA BY THE AUTHORITIES OF THE COUNTRY must have been previously formulated and refused by these authorities for the same country. Evidence from the Embassy will be required. IDENTITY CARD, PASSPORT Within 48 hours before departure, if these documents are essential for your trip. A deductible, indicated in the Table of Amount of Guarantees remains your responsibility . SERIOUS DAMAGES TO YOUR VEHICLEWithin 48 hours before your departure, and making the vehicle unrepairable within the time required to reach the meeting point set by the tour operator or at your place of stay, on the date originally planned and to the extent that your vehicle is essential for you to get there.ATTENTAT The guarantee is acquired if within 48 hours before the date of the beginning of the trip, an Attempt occurs within a radius of 100 km from the resort.The "Trip cancellation" guarantee does not cover the impossibility to leave due to the physical organization of the trip by the organizer (tour operator, airline ) including in case of theft and / or its failure (strike, cancellation, postponement, delay) or the conditions of accommodation or security of the destination.
In addition to the general exclusions applicable to the contract and appearing in the paragraph "WHAT ARE THE GENERAL EXCLUSIONS APPLICABLE TO THE CONTRACT? Of the chapter "FRAMEWORK OF THE CONTRACT", are excluded:
  • the cancellation caused by an in-patient at the time of the booking of the trip or the subscription of the contract,
  • the illness requiring medical and / or psychotherapeutic psychic treatments (including nervous breakdown) except when it resulted in hospitalization for more than 4 consecutive days at the time of the cancellation date of your trip,
    forgetfulness of vaccination,
  • accidents resulting from the following sports: bobsleigh, rock climbing, skeleton, mountaineering, competition sledding, any aerial sport, as well as those resulting from participation or training in matches or competitions,
    the non-presentation, for any reason whatsoever, of documents essential to the trip, such as passport, visa, travel documents, vaccination record, except in case of theft on the day of departure of the passport or identity card duly declared by competent authorities,
  • illnesses, accidents that have been the subject of a first observation, relapse, aggravation or hospitalization between the date of purchase of your trip and the date of subscription of this contract,
  • administrative fees, taxes, visa fees and travel insurance premium.
We intervene for the amount of the expenses of cancellation incurred on the day of the Event which can engage the guarantee, in accordance with the general conditions of sale of the organizer of the trip Subscriber of the contract, with a maximum and a Franchise indicated in Table of the Amounts of guarantees.
Vous devez aviser immédiatement l'organisateur du voyage Souscripteur du contrat et nous aviser dans les 5 jours ouvrés suivant l'Evénement entraînant la garantie. Pour cela, vous devez nous adresser la déclaration de sinistre que vous trouverez à la fin des présentes Dispositions Générales.En cas d’Annulation et/ou de déclaration tardives, nous ne prendrons en charge que les frais d’annulation exigibles à la date de survenance du Sinistre ayant donné lieu à l’Annulation.LIMITATION DE LA GARANTIEL’indemnité due en vertu de la présente garantie ne peut dépasser le montant réel des pénalités facturées suite à l’annulation du voyage. Les frais de dossier, les taxes, les frais de visa et la prime d’assurance ne sont pas remboursables. 

You must immediately notify the Underwriter of the contract and notify us within 5 working days of the Event resulting in the guarantee. To do this, you must send us the declaration of loss which you will find at the end of these General Provisions. In case of Cancellation and / or late declaration, we will only bear the cancellation fees payable on the date of the occurrence of the Loss giving rise to the Cancellation. LIMITATION OF THE GUARANTEE The compensation due under this guarantee can not exceed the actual amount of the penalties invoiced following the cancellation of the trip. Fees, taxes, visa fees and insurance premium are not refundable.

Your statement must be accompanied by:
  • in case of Illness or Accident, a medical certificate specifying the origin, nature, gravity and the foreseeable consequences of the Illness or the Accident, as well as the photocopy of the work stoppage if you are employee and photocopies of prescriptions containing the labels of prescribed drugs or, if applicable, the analyzes and examinations performed,
  • in the event of death, a certificate and proof of relationship,
  • in the event of redundancy, a photocopy of the dismissal letter, a photocopy of the employment contract, and a photocopy of the pay slip showing the balance of any account,
  • in other cases, any proof.
The medical certificate must be enclosed in a sealed envelope to the attention of the medical adviser that we will designate.For this purpose, you must release your doctor of medical secrecy vis-à-vis this medical consultant. On pain of forfeiture, the Insured availing himself of the use of the guarantee must hand over all the parts contractually required without being able to avail himself, except force majeure, of any reason preventing their production. If you objected without cause, you could lose your rights to the garantie.De express agreement, you recognize the right to subordinate the implementation of the guarantee to meet this condition.You must also send us any information or document that you will be asked to justify the reason for your Cancellation, and in particular:
  • the statements of the Social Security or any other similar body, relating to the reimbursement of processing fees and the payment of daily allowances,the original cancellation invoice issued by the travel organizer Subscriber of the contract,
  • the number of your contract,
  • the registration form issued by the travel agency or the travel organizer Subscriber of the contract,
  • in case of Accident, you must specify the causes and circumstances and provide us with the names and addresses of the officials and, if possible, witnesses.
We will reimburse you pro rata temporis, up to the amounts indicated in the Table of the Amount of Guarantees, the expenses of stay, subscribed with the organizer of the trip Subscriber of the contract, already settled and not used (transport not understood), as from the day following the event leading to your early return, in the following cases:
  • following your transportation / medical repatriation organized by us, under the conditions defined above in the paragraph "TRANSPORT / REPATRIATION",
  • if a close relative (your spouse, an ascendant, a descendant of you or your spouse) is hospitalized (unplanned hospitalization) or dies, or if one of your brothers or sisters dies and, as a result, you had to interrupt your stay,
  • if a disaster (burglary, fire, water damage) occurs at your home and that it imperatively requires your presence, and that you must interrupt your stay,
  • If an Attack or Natural Catastrophe occurs at your destination within 100 km of your resort, and you must interrupt your stay.

The indemnity is proportional to the number of unused days of stay. The indemnity is reimbursed within the limits indicated in the Table of Guaranteed Amounts per person, without however exceeding the ceiling per Event. To determine the compensation, will be deducted the expenses of file, visa, insurance, of tip, as well as the refunds or compensations granted by the organizer of the trip Subscriber of the contract. 3 / PROPOSAL OF AN INSURANCE RC, COSTS OF RESEARCH AND RELIEF BY THE MAP MOUNTAIN PASSPORT IT IS INSURANCE in summer and winter around the world for the following activities: cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, hiking or skiing, snowshoeing, participation in popular races, all mountain activities practiced in the wilderness, family or individual. Excludes any aerial or mechanical activity, ski jumping, bungee jumping, sporting practice registered in the calendar of a federation or exercised in a professional capacity. WHO IS INSURED? You, or you and your family, or members of a group, alone or under the supervision of one of the activities described above. IT COSTS: * 18,50 € for adults and over 16 * 10 € for under 16, * 39 € for a family from 3 people (children <16 years). It is valid for 1 year: from 01/11 to 31/10 or from 01/05 to 30 / 04INSURANCE GUARANTEES ARE 1 - Liability insurance (if you hurt someone or cause damage to property) Bodily injury and equipment for a maximum sum of € 8,000,000 2 - Search and rescue costs, first return, home delivery or nearest health care facility: this insurance guarantees the payment of the necessary expenses for your research or your rescue following an accident or any other event that occurred during authorized and life-threatening activities and your return for a maximum of € 15,000 3 - Reimbursement, due to an accident, of expenses incurred not included in the price of the stay (maximum 500 €): * Courses and equipment rental related to mountain and nature activities * Packages: ski lifts, access to the slopes (bottom, snowshoes, ...) 4 - Legal protection: guarantee of recourse c the author responsible for your damages and your defense before the courts (maximum € 30,000).
COMPLEMENTARY INSURANCE TO THE MOUNTAIN PASSPORT (optional) If you are not insured or if you do not have a mutual insurance scheme, we advise you to take the optional supplementary insurance which includes the insurance of your own damage. , death and disability insurance, reimbursement of medical care. COST: 10 € per person. IT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING GUARANTEES: - Permanent invalidity of more than 33% (on the basis of € 80,000) - Reimbursement of the costs of care (after participation of the compulsory health and supplementary pension plans) and within the limits of actual costs up to the amount of 3 000 € - Packages: Dentures Break glasses 200 € per tooth package of 200 € by breakage CAUTION: If you consult a specialist you will be reimbursed in addition to social benefits provided you take the additional insurance.Example: you hurt your knee in the mountains or by bike. An ambulance takes you to the hospital, after radio you do a cast for a sprain. You are repatriated to your home. You consult a private specialist: * If you took the insurance at 18.50 €: You will be reimbursed by the SS then by your mutual care given to the hospital, perhaps transport by ambulance and part of the consultation of the specialist. ANCEF insurance will cover the costs of search and rescue and will supplement or pay for ambulance transportation; it will refund you the repatriation (if you do not have this clause by another insurance company including that of your vehicle). It will not refund the supplements of the visits and care at a private specialist. * If you took the additional insurance + 10 €: It will pay you in addition all that the social benefits and your mutual will have not paid, to of 3 000 € and thus in part or in full the expenses of the private specialist.CAUTION: ALL THESE FEES MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE BY YOU, THE INSURANCE WILL REFUND ON JUSTIFICATIFS OR INVOICES. WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF ACCIDENT: 1 - PREVENT YOUR INSURER as soon as possible: MUTUELLE DU MANS INSURANCE PO BOX N ° 430 26004 VALENCE cedex Tel: Fax: - SHIP WITHIN 10 DAYS to the address above, the declaration of sinister of which model below with: * the photocopy of your card Passport Mountain * the certificate m edical specifying the nature of the injuries * the original of the bill of emergency expenses.


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